11 Fun Things To Know About Mums


by Edward Ellis, Special Correspondent

1  The chrysanthemum has been turning heads in China and Japan for 2,500 years. It arrived in America from Europe in the 1700s.

2  Popularly called “mums” this time of year, the colorful flowering plants are also known as mumingtons and chrysanths.

3  Chrysanthemums are the official flower of thirteenth wedding anniversaries.

4  The name chrysanthemum derives from two Greek words: “chrysos” means golden and “anthos” means flower. Even so, mums come in a rainbow of colors including many shades of red, yellow, purple, blue, and white.

5  In scientific studies, NASA has determined that chrysanthemums are among the plants that purify the air and help reduce atmospheric pollution.

6  In Asia, the chrysanthemum is a symbol of luck, joy, friendship, and happiness. In Australia, they’re the Mother’s Day flower. In Europe, white chrysanthemums are associated with funerals.

7  It was once thought that drinking from a stream flowing near mums assured long life. This idea led to the popularity of both tea and wine made from the flowers. Some believe the tea can cure serious cardiac and vascular disorders.

8  The traditional name given to the Imperial dynasty of Japan is the Chrysanthemum Throne. The flower is at the center of the Japanese emperor’s personal flag.

9  Chrysanthemums are a natural source of pyrethrins, a powerful bug repellant. 

10  Many fireworks are named for flowers. One of the largest shells is called the “chrysanthemum.”

11 Mums are the official November birth month flower, but they reign supreme in New Bern each October. Happy MumFest, y’all!

Eddie Ellis is the author of New Bern History 101 and other works about Craven County’s rich heritage. He can be reached at flexspace2@aol.com.