Are you #MissingLiveTheatre?


    YES! YES! YES! A resounding flurry of actors, directors, set designers, writers, producers, and patrons are missing live theatre. The void in our performing arts culture caused by the COIVD 19 pandemic is so crushing that many theatres around the globe have started a #missinglivetheatre campaign. Theatres in the UK and Ireland are wrapping pink ribbons around the exterior of their theatre buildings. The pink ribbons convey a message of hope – that live theatre is still there, busting at the seams ready to launch shows again. 

    The movement was started by #SceneChange, a group of leading U.K. theater designers with an online forum bringing designers together and providing resources on how to navigate the changes across the theater sector. “Theatres which are usually teeming with life feel stark and bleak.” they said. “We started #MissingLiveTheatre to bring joy and color to theatres across the UK and Ireland, to celebrate these incredible buildings, and the key role they play within their communities.” 

    New Bern is blessed to have two historic theatres, New Bern Civic Theatre (NBCT) and Rivertowne Players. These glorious buildings house the lifeblood of our performing arts community; they buzz day and night with theatre lovers seeking acceptance, inspiration, escapism, fun and education. 

    What is it about live theatre that everyone misses and why is it important? 

    Angelina Doyle, Executive Director of NBCT: “If ever there was a time for the performing arts, it is now while our Nation faces so many challenging issues with humanity. Theatre is so much more than entertainment and business. It is the gateway to creativity, a different perspective, and an escape from the hardships and reality of everyday life. It creates unity through music, dance, and dialog that captivates the mind and can heal the soul. It bonds the most unlikely of souls together by creating a common connection through something as simple as telling a story.  We miss the music, the laughter, and smiling faces that fill our theatre walls during a show. We miss our community.” 

    Michelle Roys, actress, director: “Theater opens the world for all people – the writer overflowing with ideas, exploring and opening old and new worlds; the timid, unable to speak for themselves but able to bring the agony and joy in words of others to life; the life of the party who finds focus and freedom through words, imagination and direction; the organizer who flourishes in leading and directing and discovers their own creativity and wonder; the musicians who live and love to share what makes their heart beat; artists with paint and fabric, wood and sound creating absolute magic, often with precious little resources; and, of course, every human yearning to live and learn and love beyond themselves in a joined, untouched and unrepeatable experience, unmatched by anything but God himself.  I miss the FAMILY of theater.”

    Austin Arrington, President of Rivertowne Players: “New Bern is incredibly lucky to have such a thriving arts community.  Our town is a melting pot of many unbelievably talented people that you walk by in the streets every day. And there’s no better place to see this talent showcased than in our two amazing community theatres. Since I became a part of this theatre community with my first play in 2016, I’ve never felt closer to my hometown. No matter what problems you’re facing in life, there’s always a welcoming and accepting atmosphere at the Civic Theatre and Rivertowne Players. You meet wonderful people and make more friends than you can count and the theatres really become a home away from home. Though COVID-19 has turned the world upside down, we WILL get through this. Our theatres will be back and better than ever because the show must go on!”

    Live theatre is a shared experience. It is a living thing. Until we meet again…. Remember to Be a Part of the Art.

    By Gayle Albertini

    New Bern Civic Theatre • 414 Pollock St. • 252.634.9057 •

    Rivertowne Players • 514 Hancock St.