Beermuda: A Triangle of Delight


    Downtown New Bern offers wonderful restaurants, unique shops, fascinating historical buildings, quaint B&Bs, and hotels with waterfront views.  But now there’s a new kid in town:  three bars in the Pollock Street corridor, nestled within the greater five-points community.  

    Meet Tap That, Brewery 99, and Freshwater Beer Co.

    According to Sabrina Bengel, Alderman for Ward 1, “The new businesses represent three great entities coming together with a willingness to take a risk and invest in the area.  They are trailblazers, reviving and restoring an important part of our community.  The synergy is a great first step to increase opportunity and work towards development.  Wouldn’t it be great if people would walk from downtown, through Pollock Street and 5 points, that is surrounded by entrepreneurs and new businesses?  I believe this is an important step towards the redevelopment of the Choice Neighborhood Initiative.  I love it. I am fortunate to have a leadership position in the community, where the future development of New Bern is at the doorstep, and it’s great that there are people willing to step over the threshold.”

    Mayor Dana Outlaw remarks that the rejuvenation of New Bern has been a long time in the making: “The renaissance of downtown really began in the 1960s, and it started with demolition and dirty work.  I remember watching the progress while my father was the city manager, and the challenges to convince people that the plan to create a homogeneous community section to compliment the old section was the right choice.  Now, as we await federal government funds for the demolition of Trent Court, we are in a position to carefully consider, as a diverse community, how we will re-build and re-vision areas immediately adjacent to downtown.” 

    So without further ado, let’s meet the business owners that are ready to serve up some great beer, food, and music—and become a pivotal part of the revitalization!