Catch the Pollination Buzz at the Palace!


Happy National Pollinator Month (and Week)! June is the perfect time to celebrate pollinators because almost all of our migratory species have returned and are out and about in the gardens. We saw the first monarch at the Palace in early April and the gardens have been abuzz since March. Observing these amazing creatures is a great way to get some time outdoors and help with citizen science. The Hawks Allee offers up close views of butterflies, wasps, bees and flies in the pollinator prairie as they forage for pollen and nectar. The Kitchen Garden is a great place to figure out who’s doing the bumbling work of turning those flowers into edible fruits and vegetables with pollen covered bodies. If you’re the quiet, patient type, pick a bench in the Wilderness and watch the hummingbirds visit the Bishops Cap, Buckeyes and Anise Trees.

If you’re a little uncertain about getting up close and personal with these (mostly) insect garden friends, join us during National Pollinator Week for guided tours to learn more about them and how to interact with them in ways that are safe for everyone. Tryon Palace is celebrating National Pollinator Week, June 21-27, featuring special pollinator garden tours (Monday through Friday, June 21-25 at 10am), a free Saturday June 26, 10am showing of Disneynature- Wings of Life. Throughout the week, learn about how to help pollinators with posters and take-home items at the NC History Center. We’ll also have special facts and features on our social media so don’t miss the buzz! See for more details!

Happy gardening and pollinator watching!

Hadley Cheris, Tryon Palace Gardens and Greenhouse Manager

Tryon Palace • 529 South Front Street • New Bern, NC 28562 • 252-639-3500 •