Freedom Seeker


Dear Henrietta,

I’ve been dating this girl I met during MumFest in the beer garden last year for about four months.  At first, I thought her spontaneity, playfulness and late-night partying were fun, but now I think I need someone more stable.  I don’t think she’s going to change.  We’ve started fighting. I need to break up with her, but I don’t know how.  Can you help?


Freedom Seeker

Dear Freedom Seeker,

Well, in the words of Paul Simon, there are 50 ways to leave your lover.  

Here are some ideas:

• First, don’t break up via text.  That’s the easy way out.  If you had only gone on one or two dates, you could probably get away with that, but in this case, you can’t get
off that easily.

• Sit down together.  You’re going to need to have a real conversation, face-to-face.
   Be honest as to why the relationship is no longer fulfilling your needs.   

• State your feelings directly and clearly.  Be as kind as you can; avoid assigning

• Set boundaries for the future.  No drunk dialing, social media stalking, or
   back-pedaling when you feel sad in the aftermath.  

So there you are!  Problem solved. I hope this helps, and Happy Valentine’s Day! 

You’re soon to be a free man—so choose more carefully next time.



Henrietta Craven was born and raised in New Bern and enjoys gardening, hunting bears and improvisational dance.  She is a self-proclaimed expert on a wide variety of subjects including (but not limited to) fashion, mixology, and cooking.  Henrietta resides in a lovely Victorian home in downtown New Bern with her five cats: Graffenreid, Bethune, Devereux, Stanton and Carraway.