

Pet:  Kirby

Owners:  Miriya and Stephen Vergot

Please welcome one of New Bern’s recent resident fur babies, Kirby!  He is a one-year-old, apricot-colored miniature poodle mix, and is cherished by his parents, Miriya and Stephen.

According to the American Kennel Club, poodles are “eager, athletic, and wickedly smart dogs of remarkable versatility.”  And did you know that the Poodle is the national dog of France?  They did, however, originate as duck-hunting dogs in Germany, but they evolved into the lap of luxury.  The poodle’s famous pompon cut, beauty and intelligence won it a place in the finest palaces of Europe.  Their heightened sense of smell makes them excellent truffle hunters as well!

Their fine traits still captivate pet owners today.  In the United States, these hypoallergenic dogs on one of the Top Five most popular breeds in family homes!

Kirby is a rescue from Adoption First in Jacksonville.  Despite the unfortunate conditions he was raised in during his early months, Kirby has made amazing strides in learning how to be a happy dog.  He enjoys playing fetch with his favorite ball, sleeping on his bed by the living room fireplace, following his Mum around the house, and adventuring around historical New Bern on his walks!  Kirby has also been known to love receiving as many treats as he can get his paws on.

“Kirby’s unconditional love and affection has brightened my world,” says Miriya. “ I am so glad that I get to share this life with him, make unforgettable memories, and show him the love and respect that he deserves.”

“He is such a sweet and rambunctious little guy,” adds Stephen. “We love watching him happily zoom around our home.”

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