Neuse River Bridge Run


    Helping Bridge Gaps in our Community

    WHEN:  March 18th -28th, 2021

    WHERE:  Any place you chose

    You decide where and when you would like to run/walk between the dates of March 18 – 28, 2021.

    Please note: The Neuse River Bridge is not open to pedestrian traffic. To keep the bridge in your run, we suggest that you find a bridge or bridges in your neighborhood that would be safe to incorporate in your route. 

    Adults and children, lace up your running shoes for fun, exercise and a worthy cause!  For over 15 years, the Neuse River Bridge Run has been uniting runners, walkers, volunteers and sponsors– all to support seven important non-profits in our community. 

    Due to Covid-19 health concerns and state and city safety mandates, the Neuse River Bridge Run (NRBR) must proceed this year without in-person race events. BUT that is not stopping the fun or our mission. The Bridge Run Committee {the seven non-profit organizations), is proceeding with virtual and challenge run/walk events for March 18-28, 2021. Sadly, our 2020 Run had to be canceled at the very last minute, also due to CV19. Despite all their work organizing and promoting the Run last year, our non-profits received NO funding. Obviously, it is vitally important that we make every effort to meet our fundraising goals in 2021. 

    We have exciting virtual Runs and Run/Walk Challenges, including our Super Kid’s Fun Run. 


    A virtual run/race is a one goal activity. For the 2021 Neuse River Bridge Run we are offering four virtual race events, the 5K, the 10K the Half Marathon and the SuperKids Fun Run. Participants select a date and time between March 18 and March 28, select a course, run your race, and submit your results. If you are already registered for an in-person event and your registration has been converted to a virtual registration as per our policy; you may change from a virtual run registration to the 10K or ½ Marathon Challenge events.


    A Challenge consists of activities over time, with an overall goal to complete a distance over time. The Neuse River Bridge Run is offering two challenge events in the longer distances for 2021, a 10k Challenge and a ½ Marathon Challenge.

    In a challenge event, participants endeavor to reach a goal over a period of time. For our 10k and Half Marathon Challenges you can walk or run the complete distance in segments, over time, from March 18 to March 28, 2021. The activities can be tallied to show the total progress over time. For example, let’s say you chose the 10K, you might divide the distance into 10 segments and walk/run every day until you have completed the distance. 


    Runners utilizing the RaceJoy app can submit times automatically via the RaceJoy app. Runners not using the RaceJoy app should go to and choose the option to «Submit Virtual Results» at the top of the page.

    A bib with a timing chip is not required this year since the races will be held virtually.


    The Kid’s Fun Run will be virtual, any place, anytime, and goody bags can be mailed. But if you like, you may pre-register and bring your kids to:

    YMCA on Saturday, March 20th anytime between 2-4pm or Trent Woods Cottle Park (608 River Road) on Saturday, March 27th from 2-4pm 

    At these locations registered children can participate in suggested activities and pick up their race t-shirts and goody bags. And please feel free to share photos on our Facebook page.  Hope to “see” you and your kids there!


    ½ Marathon Run or Challenge – $50

    10K Run or Challenge – $35

    5K Run – $35

    Super Kids Fun Run – $20 / $5 discount when you register multiple children in the same family.

    For information and registration, visit