Poor Santa


Dear Henrietta,

My family usually does a gift exchange for Christmas, but everyone is short on money this year.  What could we do instead of giving each other gifts?


Poor Santa

Dear Poor Santa,

Sometimes the lean times are the best of times. You just have to get creative with your gift giving!  Here are some ideas to propose to your family:

• Write each other letters of gratitude to share during your holiday gathering.  Expressing an attitude of gratitude makes everyone feel happier.

• Exchange baked goods or hand-made crafts.  Gifts that you have made yourself are more personal because you have given your time and energy to create a unique present that reflects your special skills.  

• Decorate the tree as the daytime family activity so you can share in the holiday spirit.  Play holiday music and sing along to raise festive spirits.  

• Cook the holiday meal together as the evening family activity.  Everyone can make their favorite dish and share in the responsibility and creativity.   

• Have a movie marathon, poker tournament, or cornhole competition.  Getting up and doing something competitive will lighten the mood and reduce stress. 

• Create a crafts table for painting, arranging flowers, or making toys.  This activity is particularly good to keep the kids occupied over a long day. 

• Gift your time:  a lunch date, a movie night, a foot massage or manicure.  Spending time together is often the best gift of all.   

• Give only one Secret Santa gift in the family circle and limit it to under $20.00.  Less financial pressure makes everyone less tense during the holidays.  

• Adopt a family, donate to a charity, or save an animal from a rescue as a gift from your entire family.

So there you are!  Problem solved.  

I hope this helps!  And remember: each Christmas is like a snowflake, unique and different, so make new memories and enjoy yourselves!  



Henrietta Craven was born and raised in New Bern and enjoys gardening, hunting bears and improvisational dance.  She is a self-proclaimed expert on a wide variety of subjects including (but not limited to) fashion, mixology, and automotive repair.  Henrietta resides in a lovely Victorian home in downtown New Bern with her five cats: Graffenreid, Bethune, Devereux, Stanton and Carraway.  

If you have a problem, and would like Henrietta to give you some advice,

please send a note to: henrietta@newbernmagazine.com