Living Well Down East


    Owner: Judy B. Johnson

    By Ann Marie Byrd, Feature Writer

    Living Well Down East is an enchanting natural and organic food market with high-quality supplements, wellness, beauty and home products. Bright and spacious with tall ceilings, the inviting shop is located at 309 Middle Street in downtown New Bern. Tucked into the little Kress Mall near the Bay Leaf  restaurant, just down from Cow Café, and facing towards Christ Episcopal Church, Living Well is a convenient stop for locals and tourists seeking to improve their health through whole foods, improved nutrition and self-care.    

    This ample-sized market has a broad variety of food products including organic produce, grass-fed and organic meats, shelf-stable groceries, gluten-free, vegan, keto and paleo foods, as well as a nice selection of organic wines and beer.

    And by the way:  shopping here is fun.  There is so much to explore and the staff is extremely friendly, knowledgeable and helpful; it’s clear that they genuinely care about their customers. Yesterday when I stopped by, they were selling wild mushrooms outside and a wine tasting table was set up inside. Local musicians were playing in the hallway.  

    For me, the highlight of the store is the bulk foods and spice offerings, home-made peanut butter and local honey.  The bulk spice display is absolutely beautiful and full of exotic colors. It includes nearly 100 spices, with favorites like turmeric, Ceylon cinnamon and garlic. The bulk foods have bins with delicious looking items labeled “chunks of energy” and “malted peanut butter balls.”  The word on the street is that sometimes people come into the store and buy everything they have in those bins—they are that yummy.  

    New Bern residents also seek out this store because of their selection of exceptional supplements, homeopathic items, “Aura Cacia” and “NOW” essential oils, soaps, bath and body care, and EWG verified clean makeup.  

    “We carry some terrific products that people just love, both foods and supplements to help with specific health problems and allergies,” says Julie Angermeier. “For example, we have dips and drinks made with delicious diary alternatives, such as almond or coconut. “Rebbl” is a creamy coconut drink that people really enjoy. Supplements like “Life’s Energy” use super greens and berries combined with vitamins and minerals to naturally increase energy and metabolism. We have a great Vitamin E that helps women with night sweats.  We’ve seen people have remarkable results with quite a few of our products.” An artist by nature, Julie also makes the beautiful handmade soaps from goat’s milk and organic oils.  

    One of the top sellers at Living Well is their CV Science CBD oil, which is considered to be one of the best and most reliable hemp extract CBD products in the world.  If you’ve been curious about it, and want more information on how it can help with anxiety, pain or trouble sleeping, this is the place to learn more. 

    The products in the market are constantly changing.  For example, a gorgeous collection of African baskets and bags just arrived this week. The team at Living Well is also very receptive to special ordering any items that might not be currently in stock. 

     Judy B. Johnson, the owner of Living Well, first opened the store in 2018.  She had been living in the area for 21 years and always knew that she wanted to open a natural and organic market in downtown New Bern.  

    “I want to help people and be of service to others,” says Judy.  “I have found that a friendly smile or just simply listening to them is what people need sometimes if they are in pain, or lonely, or frustrated.  I see more and more people that are coming to us for homeopathic alternatives because they are not getting results from traditional medicine.  Oftentimes they feel that their doctors are not listening to their concerns.  Here we try to offer support for their health challenges using natural products and healthy options.”